Flux, 2013
wood, sheet metal, wire, steel, rubber, paint, plastic, electrical cord, nails, screws, wheels and a dried lemon
70 x 26 x 16 inches

Flux, alternate view 2, 2013
wood, sheet metal, wire, steel, rubber, paint, plastic, electrical cord, nails, screws, wheels and a dried lemon
70 x 26 x 16 inches

Flux, alternate view 3, 2013
wood, sheet metal, wire, steel, rubber, paint, plastic, electrical cord, nails, screws, wheels and a dried lemon
70 x 26 x 16 inches

Lar, 2014
wood, plastic, rubber tubing, metal, screws, toogle bolts, L brackets, paint and rusted tin
80 x 14.5 x 16.5 inches

Lar, alternate view 2, 2014
wood, plastic, rubber tubing, metal, screws, toogle bolts, L brackets, paint and rusted tin
80 x 14.5 x 16.5 inches

Urban Scarecrow, 2013
wood, nails, screws, toggle bolts, Plexiglas, tin, sheet metal, glue and paint
67 x 19 x 24.5 inches

Urban Scarecrow, alternate view 2, 2013
wood, nails, screws, toggle bolts, Plexiglas, tin, sheet metal, glue and paint
67 x 19 x 24.5 inches

A Pregnant Moment, 2013
wood, nails, screws, paint, tin, steel rod, plastic, metal bucket and boom box
63 x 22 x 16 inches

A Pregnant Moment, alternate view 2, 2013
wood, nails, screws, paint, tin, steel rod, plastic, metal bucket and boom box
63 x 22 x 16 inches

Installation view 2, 2014

Installation view 3, 2014

Installation view 4, 2014

Installation view 5, 2014

RD #25, 2002
acrylic on canvas
12 x 16 inches

Installation view 1, 2014

Portrait In Pink, 2013
acrylic on canvas
14 x 11 inches

Cityscape #17, 2005
graphite and charcoal on paper
72.75 x 42.25 inches

Did I Forget Something, 2013
acrylic on canvas
14 x 11 inches

Vintage Personality, 2013
acrylic on canvas
30 x 20 inches

RD #29, 2004
acrylic on canvas
22.5 x 17.5 inches

Transformation / Good Days Bad, 2013
graphite on paper
30 x 22 inches

Transformation / Ground Control, 2013
graphite on paper
30 x 22 inches

Transformation / Sister Sister, 2013
graphite on paper
30 x 22 inches